THRIVE against hunger - Aiding in the fight to end child and humanitarian hunger by 2030

22,000 people a day die from malnutrition and lack of food

815 million people in the world don't get the food they need to live a healthy life.

No one should suffer from hunger, it's NOT acceptable

Not only do these malnourished regions of the world suffer from hunger, they lack the working knowledge of agriculture needed to create a sustainable community

THRIVE nourish cannisters visual

Humanitarian Aid Mix

Formulated to provide protein and nutritional benefit for children and adults in critical need

Focus is placed on distributing Nourish in schools in critical areas. This encourages children to attend school while alleviating their hunger at the same time

When you purchase THRIVE Nourish, it doesn't get shipped to you, it's shipped to those in need. You are...

Rise against hunger at

The war against hunger is real, but so is the impact Le-Vel
is making powered by our army of hunger fighting heroes,
join the cause and make your impact today.